UK owners of Android smartphones can now make use of Google’s new turn-by-turn navigation software, known as Google Maps Navigation .
The mobile mapping application was launched by the internet giant in the US last autumn and is now available to download for free for Brits with mobile handsets that run on Android 1.6 operating system or above such as the HTC Desire, the Sony Ericsson Xperia X10 and Google’s own Nexus One .
However, Google has refused to comment on when the new tool will be available on non-Android mobiles, such as the iPhone and Blackberry devices.
The satnav app combines Google’s existing Maps and Street View software with live traffic reports to provide proper turn-by-turn navigation and search-by-voice functionality.
The inclusion of voice command technology means users can simply tell their phone where they wish to go and it will work out a route for them.
Maps are presented in 3D, although users can switch to a satellite view (similar to Google Earth) or Street View.
According to Steve Lee, Google’s Group Product Manager for Mobile Maps, some 50 million people now use Google Maps on their mobile phones on a daily basis.